In The Beginning by Hugo Bouter
In the beginning
The book is basically an exposition of the first eleven chapters of Genesis. It is worth reading. A book like this ought to serve as an introduction to a more in-depth exposition of Genesis.'
In the beginning
The composition of Genesis
Seven biographies
God's plan for His creation
Man and his wife
Two series of three days
Adam and Christ
The new creation
The mystery of Christ and the Church
Man's Fall into sin
The reality of the Fall
The serpent of old
The nature of sin
Deliverance from sin
Judgment and redemption
The consequences of sin
The promise of the seed of the woman
The judgment on man
God's grace for man
The expulsion from the garden
Cain and Abel
The contrasts between Cain and Abel
The offerings of the two brothers
Cain, the first murderer
Abel and the Christ
The children of light and darkness
Seth, Abel's substitute
Seth's descendants
Pictures of the End Time
The line of Cain
Man's corruption
Noah's Ark
The meaning of the 'waters'
The Ark of salvation
A new beginning
The Noahic covenant
The basis of the covenant
The provisions of the covenant
An everlasting covenant
Noah's prophecy and mankind after the flood
Noah, the ruler over the new earth
The curse on Canaan
The blessings for Shem and Japheth
God's hand in man's history
The tower of Babel
Babel, the cradle of idolatry and astrology
Nimrod, a mighty hunter before the LORD
The confusion of tongues
Babel and Jerusalem
Appendix I: The individual and the dispensational application of Genesis 1
The seven days of creation
The seven biographies in the book of Genesis
God's plan of salvation throughout the ages
The believer's growth to spiritual maturity
Appendix II: New Testament references to Genesis 1-11
The Creation of the world
The Creation of man
The Fall of man
Conflicting family lines
The great Flood
Mankind after the Flood